This Clever Video Traces The History of Adobe Photoshop
Remember the days of only one undo?

The photo editing software pond is a crowded one at the moment, with apps of all varieties vying for a chance to clean up your images. For as long as most of us can remember, however, Photoshop has been the 600-pound gorilla in the industry. This short video from Digital Rev In-Focus gives a nice little overview of its progression.
It’s easy to forget just how rudimentary the early versions of Photoshop really were compared to the massive program we’re used to today. Imagine living in a world with no layers and only a single undo command at your disposal?
It will be interesting to look back down the line and see how today’s version of Photoshop measures up against whatever future magical software features we can’t live without.
The photo editing software pond is a crowded one at the moment, with apps of all varieties vying for a chance to clean up your images. For as long as most of us can remember, however, Photoshop has been the 600-pound gorilla in the industry. This short video from Digital Rev In-Focus gives a nice little overview of its progression.
It’s easy to forget just how rudimentary the early versions of Photoshop really were compared to the massive program we’re used to today. Imagine living in a world with no layers and only a single undo command at your disposal?
It will be interesting to look back down the line and see how today’s version of Photoshop measures up against whatever future magical software features we can’t live without.