Latest Darkroom Stories

SantaColor 100 is a ‘new’ 35mm film repurposed from aerial surveillance stock

Dubble’s new Cinema ISO 800 film adds motion-picture flair to 35mm

Dive into a world of super-saturated color film photography with Jennifer Lawrence

Double the fun: The Kodak Ektar H35 is a new, affordable half-frame camera

Orwo launches a new ISO 500 color film, an ode to ’80s Hollywood

8 classic films every analog photographer should try

Historic film manufacturer ORWO launches its first new 35mm stock in 50 years

How to digitize an instant photo in three easy steps

A TikTok photographer shot both sides of a roll of film, with otherworldly results

The Solarcan Puck is a tiny, reusable pinhole camera designed to track the sun’s path

How to travel with film by land and sea

DIYer 3D-prints a working 35mm movie camera

How to travel with a film camera

Going back to film? Here’s what’s changed

5 reasons digital photographers should try film

Kodak’s new disposable camera comes loaded with its iconic Tri-X black-and-white film

Here’s what it’s like to shoot a rare extinct instant film

Ilford’s new ‘Pop-Up Darkroom’ turns any space into a photo lab

Watching This Japanese Master Rescue an Old Photo Print Is Fascinating

Local Darkroom Will Help You Find Development Facilities in Your Neck of the Woods

Clever Video Explains The Darkroom Processes That Inspired Photoshop’s Tools

Photography Project: Boil Your Film For Fascinating Photographic Results

New App: Darkroom Photo Editor for iOS

Enfojer is an Enlarger For Your Smartphone

The Filmomat Automatic Film Developing Machine The Size of a Microwave

Is Darkroom Photography Still Relevant?

Watch This: Ansel Adams Describes His Process For His Iconic “Moon Over Hernandez” Photo

Shots/onStone Creates Analog Photo Prints On Actual Stone Slabs

Watch This: Inside the Darkroom of Ansel Adams

This Is Not How To Sell Photo Paper On eBay

Review: Apple Aperture 3

Lab-Box Is an All-In-One Film Developing Station That Doesn’t Require a Darkroom

You should develop your own black-and-white film. Here’s how.

The Kanton DX35 is a classy and compact concept for developing film at home

The Intrepid 4×5 enlarger turns any 4×5 camera into an enlarger and doubles as a negative scanner

Jack White launches a film developing lab inside Nashville’s Third Man storefront

This beer can develop your Kodak film

The Photo Palace Bus Would Be a Mobile Darkroom/Lecture Hall

This photographer transformed a shipping container into a working camera

Watch Edward Weston create a darkroom print

This mobile darkroom is serving underprivileged children in Southeast Turkey by teaching them photography skills

Make your own film developing chemicals from household items