LAKE AND DOCK, ALBERTA, CANADA A composite of two images from Maligne Lake, Jasper National Park, and Astotin Lake, Elk Island National Park. The color is the natural tone of misty dusk light. Wiggett made both with a Canon EOS-1n and 20mm f/2.8 Canon EF lens on Fujichrome Velvia 50, exposures unrecorded. Darwin WiggettWATER VALLEY, ALBERTA Wiggett shot this forest on Fujichrome Provia 100 in a Hasselblad XPan with 45mm f/4 lens. Scanned, then converted to b&w and toned in Photoshop CS4. Darwin WiggettHORSESHOE LAKE, JASPER NATIONAL PARK, ALBERTA Wiggett stitched three images into a panoramic using Photomerge in Adobe Photoshop CS4. Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III with 300mm f/4L Canon EF lens; 1/30 sec at f/11, ISO 100. Conversion in Nik Silver Efex Pro. Darwin WiggettMOUNT CROWFOOT AT BOW LAKE, ALBERTA The color version lacked impact—the tones were mostly brownish, and there was little contrast between colors. So Samantha Chrysanthou went to monochrome, which added more drama to the highlighted rocks leading into the frame and the mirrored patterns of gray tones in the distance. She used a Sigma 10–20mm f/4–5.6 DC lens on her Nikon D100; 1/8 sec at f/22, ISO 200. RAW file converted to b&w; in Nik Silver Efex, using the High Structure preset, with just slight further adjustments. Samantha ChrysanthouBENNETT LAKE, YUKON TERRITORY, CANADA Darwin Wiggett enlisted a friend to stage this with a vintage look in mind. He used a Canon EOS-1n with a 28–135mm f/3.5–5.6 Canon EF IS lens to make the shot on Fujicolor Reala 100 film. After scanning the film, he then converted and toned the image in Nik Silver Efex. Darwin Wiggett