Photo Challenge Finalists: Lens Flare
Take that, lens coatings

Lens companies often go to great lengths to fight lens flare. But, to some shooters, those unpredictable streaks, spots, and stars of light make for an extremely appealing aesthetic. For last month’s photo challenge, we asked you to go out and push your lenses to their limits. The results will doubtlessly be a bit controversial because some folks just aren’t fans of the flare. But, we think there’s a lot of beauty in it.
The entries this month were, unsurprisingly, composed primarily of portraits. But, there’s a sprinkling of landscapes and even a few still life photos thrown into the mix. It’s a challenging subject that requires a lot of trial and error, and some of these images clearly put in the time.
So, check out the gallery for some inspiration, then head over to our Contests page to see how you can show off your work, win prizes, and get publisehd. The overall winner of the Lens Flare contest will be announced in an upcoming issue of Popular Photography.

Personal Space, the Final Frontier

Tender Light


American Girl