Call for Work: 2011 London Street Photography International Awards
Submit your best candids for a chance to win.

Photo: Dan Bracaglia, New York City
Street photography is often touted as one of the purest forms of journalism—it is, after all, a completely non-intrusive look at everyday individuals interacting with their surroundings.
Due to this candid look into the live’s of others, it tops the list as one of our favorite forms of photography. So when we found out about the 2011 London Street Photography competition, we were excited to pass the info on to you.
Open to anyone over 18 residing on planet Earth, the one main rule of the competition is that all images submitted must be candid/un-staged. Photographers should submit between 5 and 8 images that were made within the past five years. Remember to include a brief bio, photo captions and a series title, when submitting your work.
The winner will be announced at the first annual 2011 London Street Photography Festival to be held in July. The international winner will receive 1000 Euros, an Olympus PEN camera, plus a paid trip to the ceremony.
The deadline for the competition is March 31st 2011—the cost to enter is 30 Euros. For more information, check out