The Russian “Sterva” Class
In Russian, the word that crazy Russian photographer) who has covered some of the toughest stories of our time, from Chechnya to the Beslan school tragedy.

In Russian, the word “sterva” translates as “bitch,” but don’t worry: It’s not necessarily a bad thing. Moscow-based photojournalist Dmitry Baliakov has just done a story on a six-week training course run by a psychologist named Vladimir Rakovsky, also known as the “guru of stervologia,” or the “fine art of manipulating men.” Baliakov, who goes by the nickname Dima, is a funny guy (he calls himself “that crazy Russian photographer) who has covered some of the toughest stories of our time, from Chechnya to the Beslan school tragedy. But the story on Russian stervas is too much….go here to see it.
—David Schonauer