Q&A With Dennis Dunleavy
See the complete QA with Dennis Dunleavy after the jump.

The Jan/Feb issue of American Photo has a big feature on the “innovators who are changing the art and business of photography.” In contributing the piece on the most innovative photo bloggers, I purposely left off the photographers who blog, like Alec Soth and Chase Jarvis (more on them later), and the zillions of people who post pictures to “photo blogs.” My idea was to focus on the handful of bloggers who are reshaping how we write about and think about both the art and the business of photography. The list was a bit arbitrary (Lightstalkers is not really a blog, but has some of the characteristics of one), and undoubtedly left off many we would have liked to have covered.
But the list was a diverse sampling of some of the leading thought leaders. In the spirit of blogging and the transparency it fosters, I am running the complete Q&A I had with Dennis Dunleavy, Joerg Colberg, and Andy Goetze in this space, starting with Dunleavy, author of The Big Picture. Ironically for print you have to edit down, but as most writers will tell you there’s always more they hoped they could get into the story. I hope the following will help to give these guys their due.
See the complete Q&A with Dennis Dunleavy after the jump.
-Jay DeFoore