Mentor Series: Grand Tetons
The BEST OF photo gallery

If you like photography and want to see the Grand Tetons, go with the Mentor Series! We had a wonderful 4 days shooting sunrises, sunsets, mountains, wildlife, and rodeos. We met at the Jackson Lake Lodge, which has a fantastic view of the Tetons, so we started shooting right from the hotel. For 3 mornings in a row, we were up at 4 AM to hit sunrise at different places, including the Thomas A. Moulton Barn, Schwabacher’s Landing and Oxbow Bend – all iconic Teton shots. The mentors had wonderful tips on shooting in low light, how to get the full reflection of the mountains, and how to get a unique perspective as well as the classic mountain shot.
One afternoon we shot at Heart 6 Guest Ranch. Four photogenic cowboys and cowgirls rode their horses through a stream for us, sending spray everywhere and giving us photos straight out of Ponderosa. Then they did their evening roundup of 80 horses that pounded down the trail and into the corral while we crouched nearby getting action shots of what looks like a stampede. Another evening we went to the Jackson Hole Rodeo and shot bull riders, steer roping, barrel racing, and cute kids trying to stay on the backs of sheep. No one wanted to leave – even though we were getting up at 4 AM again the next day. I think we all learned a lot about ISO and shutter speed that night, along with moving away from the fence when a bull is coming straight at you.
Michelle, Vanessa, and Donnie did a wonderful job of keeping us on task and where we needed to be, as well as fed and watered. Bob, Layne, and Michael were attentive and insightful mentors, not to mention funny and easy-going. They answered simple (mine) and more complicated (my husband’s) questions with grace and patience. We would wholeheartedly recommend treks with any of them.
Ann and Alex Sneiders