Your Best Shot – March 2008
This month's winners and everything you need to know about our monthly photo contest.

March 1st Place
Above It All
Airline mechanic Rocky Ross, 51, got the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to climb to the top of the old Tacoma Narrows Bridge between Tacoma and Gig Harbor, WA, with press photographers. It was the opening day of a new parallel eastbound bridge (closed to cars for that day only).
Tech info: Canon EOS 20D with 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 Canon EF-S lens. Exposure, 1/125 sec at f/9, ISO 200. Converted from RAW, saturated, and sharpened in Canon Digital Photo Professional.
Your Best Shot Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)Q: How do I enter?
A: Send digital images — JPEG files of up to 100KB — to or on a CD-ROM to Your Best Shot, Popular Photography & Imaging, 1633 Broadway, NY, NY 10019
Q: How many photographs can I enter each month?
A: You may submit up to 5 digital images each month.
Q: Do you only accept “straight” photos, or can I manipulate my images?
A: Either is fine — our name is Popular Photography & Imaging, after all — but be sure to tell us what you did. We expect you to make your photos look as good as you can through ordinary techniques such as cropping, color correction, and contrast adjustments. If you’re submitting a composite image, please inform us when you send it. But if you’re more into photo illustration, check out our annual Digital Wizard contest instead.
Winners and Finalists• February 2008 • December 2007 • November 2007 • October 2007 • September 2007 • August 2007 • July 2007 • June 2007 • May 2007 • April 2007 • March 2007 • February 2007 |
Q: What kinds of photos win?
A: Our editors love all kinds of photography, so take a look at our web galleries of Your Best Shot winners and finalists. We want to see the best you have to offer. But we don’t publish nudes, so keep it clean.
Q: Are there any special file requirements?
A: Yes, if accepted for publication, a 3MP or higher (9MB file size, uncompressed) image will be required. The bigger the better. Click here for more instructions. Also, you can help us keep track of your submission by naming your files after yourself (see the next question).
Q: How exactly should I name my files?
A: Please use your name as your file name, and if you’re making submitting multiple files, number them consecutively. So if your name is Paul Jones and you’re sending three photos, name your files pauljones1.jpg, pauljones2.jpg, and pauljones3.jpg.
Q: Can I send slides or prints?
A: No. Have them scanned and send us CD-ROMs or e-mail digital images only.
Q: Will you acknowledge receipt of my entry?
A: Sorry, but with the large volume of entries, that is not possible.
Q: Will my disks be returned?
A: Again, no.
Q: What can I win?
A: If your photo is selected for First Place you will receive $300; $200 for Second Place; $100 for Third Place; and $50 for Honorable Mention. And your photo will be published in Popular Photography & Imaging magazine and showcased in a gallery on the Pop Photo website.
Q: Are there any other chances to be selected?
A: Yes! Your photo could be selected for The Fix, a feature that shows how to make good pictures even better. In that case, you will receive $100. Also, some runner-up photos will be showcased on the Pop Photo website. There is no prize money for that.
Q: What information should I send with the photos?
A: Your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. Also, any technical information you can supply about the photo — camera, lens, settings, film, software, and printer. Submitting a composite? Tell us! If you win and we need more material, we will contact you.
Q: Is there anything else I should know?
A: Yes! It’s all in the “Official Rules,” below…
OFFICIAL RULES: To enter, send a CD-ROM to Your Best Shot, POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY & IMAGING, 1633 Broadway, NY, NY 10019, or e-mail your best shots to Prizes: First Place, $300; Second Place, $200; Third Place, $100; Honorable Mention, $50. Up to 5 entries per month. Submission size for digital images: 50-75KB recommended, 100KB maximum, JPEG format only; if accepted for publication, an image file size of at least 9MB (uncompressed) will be required. Each file should be named with your full name. Multiple entries should be named with your full name followed by consecutive numbers. Photos not chosen may be selected for The Fix or showcased on website. Include your address, phone number, and e-mail, plus any pertinent technical information (camera, lens, exposure, film, filters, software). Submission grants POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY & IMAGING the right to publish selected photographs and descriptions in print, electronic, and other media, and for promotional and advertising use. You represent that your photographs are original and of your own creation, publication of the material will not violate the rights of any kind of third party, and you have provided all necessary permissions and releases. Due to the large number of entries, we cannot return your photos, and we cannot acknowledge receipt of them.