Unified Color Releases HDR Expose 2 and 32 Float V2 HDR applications
More firepower for the HDR arsenal

Unified Color has updated two of its HDR applications, putting out new versions of both the standalone HDR Expose 2 and the Photoshop plugin 32 Float v2.
The more fully featured HDR Expose 2 upgrade comes with 26 new or improved tools, including tone mapping and halo elimination algorithms, 32-bit contrast tone curve adjustment, and neutral dodge and blur tools. The program exports to Lightroom and Aperture so you can easily interface with them.

Photoshop plugin 32 Float v2 has tweaked tone mapping, real-time processing, the ability to save edits as layer masks, as well as non-destructive tweaking. Like HDR Expose 2, it features halo elimination and color neutral dodging and burning.
In celebration of the updates, both programs are on sale until December 31st. You can grab the former for $129, the latter for $89, or for the truly industrious, both in a bundle for $169. If you’re already a user of Unified Color’s software, you may be eligible for upgrade pricing, check your eligibility here.