Usain Bolt Celebrates Another Gold Medal By Grabbing a Nikon D4 And Taking Picture
That's our kind of celebration

The Olympics are starting to wrap-up in London, but the constant stream of photos coming out the games continues. Some of the shots from yesterday’s track and field are events are a bit unusual, though, in that they were taken by 200m gold medalist, Usain Bolt.
After winning his race, he walked over to the photographers’ pit and grabbed a Nikon D4 with what looks like a Nikon 14-24mm F/2.8 zoom lens from Scandanavian photojournalist, Jimmy Wixtrom. He grabbed a few shots of his teammates and the hoopla surrounding the finish of one of the biggest races in the games.
The paper is running a full gallery of the shots, but it does raise a slightly interesting copyright issue. If this had happened in the US, the intellectual property of the images would clealry belong to Bolt himself. Either way, it doesn’t seem like he minds sharing.