Photo bus

With analog photography falling by the wayside under the eternal march of digital, two photographers are trying to spread the word about the joys of film through a Kickstarter project. The Photo Palace Bus project involves taking an old 1978 35ft school bus, and converting it into a mobile studio, darkroom, and classroom to take on tour around the USA. Photographer Anton Orlov needs to raise $16,000 to get the project off the ground, and the bus conversion looks substantial. It’ll have a darkroom in the back, a teaching area in the front, two VW microbuses bolted onto the roof for living space, and a modular north-light studio that can be extended from either side.

Orlov along with partner Ryan Kalem will drive this incredible monstrosity around the USA on a mission of not just education, but also of documentation, creating a 10,000-negative portrait series about New Americana.

With just over a month before the deadline, the project still needs $14,000, a substantial amount. Donations start as low as $10, which gives you thanks on their website, and stretches all the way up into the many thousands of dollars, which lets you come along on the ride for a couple of weeks.

[via KEH]